Effective pain relief

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50% off everything (valid until January 15, 2025)

Effective pain relief through a multidimensional approach

Pain. We all know it.
Physical pain, emotional pain, mental pain, soul pain, the pain of rejection, the pain of loss (phantom pain), ...

That pain is indicated by our body. How our brains and nerve pathways play a role in this is known to most people.
But there is also an energetic aspect to pain that is less known.
The pain can be greatly reduced or even disappear completely if this energetic aspect is addressed.

In this article I want to discuss the question:
"What is pain when we look at it on an energetic level?"

The cause of pain

Pain is a direct result of damage you sustain during your life.

Pain is usually an indication that the way you live your life is not in accordance with the life that suits you and your body. You are using possibilities for which you are not equipped, or you are using your possibilities in the wrong way.
This puts an incorrect or too heavy burden on your body. Or too light, which prevents it from developing properly.

VWhat happens if you get damaged?

Self-healing capacity of the body

If you get damaged, this is (usually) accompanied by pain. This pain signal prompts your body to repair the damaged area.
This releases energy. For example, in the form of heat due to inflammatory reactions.
If energy can flow unhindered through your body, that energy is drained away and the damage can be properly repaired. When the pain is gone, the body stops the repair activities.

The origin of chronic pain

However, if the flow in your body is blocked, the energy cannot escape, which causes it to accumulate. This causes pressure and then pain.
You continue to feel pain, even if the damage has long since been repaired.

Your body sees this pain as a signal that something needs to be repaired and starts repairing the area where the pain signal comes from.
But there is nothing left to repair, because nothing is damaged anymore!
The inflammatory reactions that the pain triggers can now damage your body.
The pain becomes chronic.

Restoration of energy flow and self-healing capacity

That is why it is important that the energy can flow well through your body.
Energetic Therapists are specialists in this field. They can improve the flow of your body and remove the accumulated energy.
The false pain signal disappears. The body can now respond to the actual condition of the affected area.
If the problem has already been solved, the body stops the repair actions.
The inflammation disappears.
If the area is still damaged, the real pain signal comes through again and the body can start repairing the area. And because the circulation in your body has been restored, the energy released is immediately drained.

From the above it is clear that damage to the body does not lead to poor energy flow. The flow is already blocked.
This means that the cause of blocked energy flow must lie elsewhere.

The impact of misunderstood events

The energy of thoughts, open questions and beliefs

The cause of accumulated energy that obstructs the flow can be found in what you have experienced in your life. And then especially in events that you do not understand.
Events in your youth, for example. But also events from previous lives.

The energy of these events remains in your system until you have understood and processed them. In order to continue with your life, you still try to find an explanation of what happened. This explanation becomes a fixed belief that has consequences for the course of your life because the belief determines your choices.

Experiences and beliefs are thoughts. Thoughts are energy. Unprocessed experiences and fixed beliefs are accumulated energy that obstruct the flow of energy in some way.

Life path coaching and energy therapy

Energy therapists are specialists in reading and manipulating energy. They can read out the blocked energy and show the event from various perspectives. This makes additional information about the event available. Through life coaching, the event can now be fully understood. You see what your own part was in what happened and what the part was of others. You now know where you could have handled it differently and where you had no influence. The question marks disappear and the energy can be released or cleared.

Through energy therapy, the common thread between successive events and between events and certain physical complaints and/or beliefs can be made visible.
In this way the past can also be healed.
In addition, energy therapy can make visible where the course of your life (the life you have lived) deviates from your life plan (the life that suits you best). With the help of this information, the life path coach can give the right instructions so that you can follow your life path from now on.

When the energy flows properly through your body again, your body can start to heal itself.
Your old life is finished and your new life lies before you.


With energy therapy alone, the excess of energy can be removed, but not the blockage that caused the energy accumulation. The pain will return.
If you tackle the cause, the pain can disappear permanently.
That is why I combine energy therapy with life path coaching in my treatments.

Company details:
Practice Cisca de Lint
Dolfijnpark 4
2983 AZ Ridderkerk

T: 06-29236792
E: info@praktijkciscadelint.nl

KvK: 24462049

Associated with:
Professional association CAT
Dispute body GAT

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