Chronic conditions



Long covid, fybromyalgia, ME/CFS and other chronic conditions

You can contact me if you have physical, mental and/or social (relational) complaints.
In particular if you are dealing with long-term complaints, or an accumulation of conditions, that have a major negative impact on the quality of your life.
Think of physical conditions such as long covid, medically unexplained somatic symptoms, rheumatism, fibromyalgia, ME/CFS.

Relief of complaints

Although symptom control is not my preference, you can also come to me for relieving complaints such as pain, fatigue or concentration problems, if you have not yet found good help with that.

The underlying cause

From a holistic point of view, physical, mental and social complaints point to underlying events that have taken place in the past, which are experienced as traumatic. Events that happened to you or your ancestors. Or events that you have 'experienced' through others. And it can even involve collectively experienced traumatic events such as wars, persecutions or natural disasters.
You carry these events with you. They are in your DNA, in your body and in your survival system.
They determine your beliefs, your behavior (reaction), and influence your choices. They therefore have a major impact on how you go through life and the path you take through life. They ensure that you start shaping a life that deviates from the life that exactly fits who you are, a life that is at the expense of your quality of life.

Approach ans result

My approach is aimed at removing the consequences of these traumatic events, by recognizing them, raising awareness and resolving them. Then we will focus on shaping and living your own life, the life you were born for. A life that is attuned to everyone your life is connected with, according to the inner coherence of life.

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Company details:
Practice Cisca de Lint
Dolfijnpark 4
2983 AZ Ridderkerk

T: 06-29236792
E: info@praktijkciscadelint.nl

KvK: 24462049

Associated with:
Professional association CAT
Dispute body GAT

Privacy declaration

Website: Practice Cisca de Lint

Youtube channel