In April 2011 on collective level the choice is made to further develop the design for a Life Path Navigation System in detail and implement the design within the existing world, not only with the people who function in the new way, but also with the people who function in the old way.
In daily practice however, the original concept appears not to work with people who function in the old way. This leads to unwanted situations and that is why this design now has to be adjusted.
It is agreed (on collective level) that the soul would get the responsibility and the control over
the individual life path of the human being.
The idea was that this also could be implemented with people who function in
the old way. However there appears to be no way for the soul to make Contact
to these people and communicate with them.
These people could only be reached through the outside, through others.
Only from the outside, through people who function in the new way, the soul
is able to get control over the experiences a human being needs to be able to
grow an develop towards a life that fits him or her perfectly.
When these people keep making Contact with each other from the outside they
continue to make choices that deviate from their best route through life and
that means that the 'old world' is maintained by people who function in the
old way and who seek refuge with one another.
Individuals who function in the new way are not permitted to groups who
function in the old way. The result is that ghetto's are formed of the old
way of living within the new way of living. One cannot really speak of an
attuned unit and the growth and development of the individuals stagnates.
A group that functions in the old way pulls at individuals who function in
the old way and pushes away individuals who function in the new way. This can
be translated in 'like powers pull at each other and unlike powers push each
other away'. Dominant powers are at work here. Dominant powers pull at
each other because they are focused in the same direction ("We are the
same", "We mean the same", "We want the same").
This is the real problem that has to be solved here. The dominant power (of
an individual or group) should not be able to cause the individual or group
to deviate from their desired path through life.
The adjustment of the design should make sure that forming a group on the basis of the old way of living is not possible anymore.
The solution is: creating an interface between the new and the old system,
on individual and group level, in such a way that a cooperation is possible
between the two different ways of functioning.
To be able to determine how this solution can be realized, I will first state the difference between the two ways of functioning so that it is clear why those two ways don't work together. Then I will explain how both systems can be connected and work together while at the same time the forming of isolated 'old way' groups is blocked.
The old way of functioning is based on the idea that you have to try as good
as possible to bring your life into shape while you are completely
disconnected from life as a whole. It seems that you are floating freely in
Luckily, the gravity keeps you into Contact with the Earth, so that you can
use the Earth to live from. This way of living is not easy. Luckily, you are
not alone but there are others who are also connected to the Earth in the
same way. Together you manage to build a safe existence. The best way to do
this is to connect or attach yourself to others, human to human.
It turned out that this connecting with other people to build an existence
together was not always safe. With some people you could build a safe
existence, but with others existence was more dangerous than living alone.
So, there was the need for a way to figure out if you can rely and build on
someone. The only way to do that was to look at the other person and observe
and judge what you see. Certain characteristics you could observe on the
outside (those characteristics that we knew because we recognized them in
ourselves) were used to interpret who they are.
The same need existed to judge a group of people. Which group suited you
and which group didn't. Which person fits with our group and
which one doesn't. With which group can we connect ourselves and with which
group we can't.
Connections from person to group and from group to person and from group to
group based on the recognizable structure of the group on the outside.
(The same counts for all the other things around us - the living and
non-living nature and the products with which we shape our lives, but I leave
this out for now.)
Later we became aware of ourselves, but because we couldn't see ourselves we copied the image from others, how they perceived us by watching us. We used others as a mirror and we constructed our self-image from the images others returned to us about ourselves. Our self-image didn't tell so much about us but the more about how others perceived us. This self-image was the basis for our choices in life.
In about the same manner we handled our needs and also how we should let our lives take shape.
These images formed a limitation for the real situation, because they were constructed out of elements (behavior, skills, how you could live) that were already known, instead of from who we really are added with the potential possibilities yet to be developed (that are slumbering in the future). The images are build on beliefs that determine our thoughts and behavior.
To summarize: in the old way of functioning people are interconnected at the outside and everyone carries images along which can help them function within a society; our self-image, our needs and the characteristics of the life we want to live.
fig.1 Functioning (living, shaping life) in the old way
In the new way of functioning no use is made of the images others
reflect back to us about ourselves, our possibilities, our needs and the life
we want to bring into form. Also there is no connection to each other at the
We know ourselves and we know that our structure is an effect of the
evolution of the possibilities of the Earth and that this structure is
contained within the DNA in our bodies. This connection with the Earth
determines our possibilities and needs and necessaries to shape our
lives. This connection with the Earth and the structure of our possibilities
and needs is located below our feet to anchor us to the Earth.
The ways in which we can use our possibilities and fill our needs are a
product of our spirit (or spirit). Our spirit, our consciousness is not separate
from the consciousness of the entire Universe but is anchored in it.
To shape our lives, our physical structure related to the evolution of the
Earth and the ideas of the spirit meet in the heart chakra where our soul turn
the possibilities and ideas into a workable and feasible plan.
Through the connection with the Earth and the connection with consciousness
as a whole, we know what others can mean to us and we know how we can best
match our possibilities and needs, so that we have more possibilities to
develop en utilize our possibilities.
Via our heart chakra we send and receive information about our plans. This is
not done through a direct connection, but through resonance.
Our lives take actual shape by making choices in our daily encounters with
other people, with groups of people and products, depending on how we
resonate with them, based on our personal preferences.
At this moment our society looks somewhat like this:
Society consists of individuals who function as part of life as a whole
and who work with all possibilities available for shaping their own lives and
the collective life, and of individuals who function as free standing units
who are connected to each other which creates free standing groups separate
from life as a whole.
These free standing individuals and groups are not able to make optimum use
of all the possibilities that are available to them within life as a whole.
But these individuals do not only limit themselves and each other, but they
also limit people outside their group and even the possibilities of life as a
I would have thought that the soul could somehow get into Contact with these
free standing people, but this appears not to be so.
I think that you can imagine the problems that arise when two different
functioning individuals encounter one another and want to cooperate.
To name one: the person who works in the old way tries to connect from the
outside to the chakra's of the other, while it is essential to the other that
the chakra's can rotate and resonate freely. The person who functions in the
old way gets no connection and gets no image reflected back from the other
and therefore is not able to judge the other and doesn't know if this is a
good match.
The other person, who works with resonance, gets no information or distorted
information back. This person is also not able to judge whether this is a
good match.
How do we solve this problem? And what is it exactly that we want to solve?
(Well, lucky me, the Universe is very cooperative!
Just now a mechanic came by our house to modify our dryer for the second
time. There had already been 4 or 5 modifications to this type of dryer. The
design was so new that only by using the dryer in practice, flaws and
imperfections can come to the surface! Well thanks a
lot for bringing me this information, now we know at least the reason of all
the changes of course we constantly seem to encounter on our collective path!
The mechanic replaced the filter for a double-filter, because it let too many
small dust particles through which resulted in a blockage in the system so
that it couldn't function properly, and he replaced the pump. Hm, the heart
chakra, makes sense, but I don't know (yet) what the filter means. All dust
particles have to go through the filter and are not allowed to take another
route. Ah, yesterday we watched the animation movie 'Horton hears a who!'.
About a society on a dust particle! Yes, the message is clear now: everyone
follows his or her own path but through the official pathways
Okay, clear, collective consciousness wants (has chosen for the option) that everyone makes the transition from old to new in their own pace, while optimally making use of all available possibilities to address the (real) needs of everyone as good as possible.
The process of attunement between human, soul and spirit doesn't work with people who function in the old way. This process has to be adjusted to make it work.
Why is it not working an how can this be adjusted so that it does work?
We have the following data:
I don't know exactly how the external structure works in the process of
offering choices to determine that there is a match or not. It seems that
others can use the images in the external structure to offer someone a set of
It is a fact that the current situation is maintained, when choices are based
on these images. Because the choices are based on the images, they are not
related to the real possibilities and needs.
Therefore it should not be possible to use these images to determine the
options of choice.
This step has to be removed.
We do however have to take the images into account, because they determine why someone decides to choose for a certain option and rejects another. We are not talking about personal preferences here, but you can see them as such. The self-imposed limitation is regarded by the persons who work with this as personal preference. This implies that the images may only be used to make the final decision (choosing between a set of equal choices).
The process of attunement could go via the internal attunement process of someone else, someone who functions in the new way.
Lets take a look at this process of attuning possibilities and needs to see if this is indeed the proper solution.
The star structures consist of pyramid structures; one pyramid contains all the possibilities and another contains the needs and necessities.
The cycle begins with the possibilities of the human being (star structure below the feet) and begins with attuning all possibilities that can be developed and used during the lifetime of that human being.
Attuning which possibilities are available to utilize the own possibilities:
1. (attunement with others through the human structure) What can I do and
what can I do in combination with others?
2. (attunement between human structure and spirit structure) I can do
this. What of this can I develop and use?
3. (attunement to others through the spirit structure) What of what I can do
(alone or in combination with others) can be realized during my lifetime?
4. (from spirit structure to soul structure) These are the possibilities that
can be realized during this lifetime, alone or together with others and these
are the ideas about how they can be realized.
Attuning which possibilities are available to address the own needs and
The soul puts the ideas in a plan plotted over time and determines what
isneeded to carry out this plan.
5. (from soul structure to human structure) These are my possibilities, this
way they can be realized and this is what I need to do this. Is what I need
6. (attunement with others through the human structure) What from what I need
is available through others?
7. (attunement between human structure and spirit structure) This is
available from what I need. What are the possibilities to get what I need?
8. (attunement to others through the spirit structure) What of what I need
can be realized, in combination with others? What are the possibilities to
realize this?
9. (from spirit structure to soul structure) These are the possibilities to
address my needs and these are the ideas about how to realize them.
10 (from soul structure to human structure) These are the possibilities I can
realize and this is what I need for that.
Now all the possibilities a human being can develop during his or her lifetime are known, because all possibilities, requirements and necessities are available at the right time. The plan of development is roughly known. These are all the possibilities without taking the personal preferences or the personal choices into account.
The next cycle can start:
the attunement of the possibilities in daily life so that they actually can
be realized.
This cycle runs through the large body chakra's. Via these chakra's there
is an exchange of information (through resonance not through a direct
energetic connection) between the inner world and the world outside.
Starting point for this daily cycle are the possibilities we can develop,
together with the related needs and necessities we can be provided with,
which are coded in the star structure below the feet of the human being as
the end-product of the previous cycle.
1. (From human structure via 1st, 2nd to 3rd chakra) Development of the
possibilities and the related needs.
2. (From 3rd to 4th chakra) Communication from human to the soul about the
personal preferences: these possibilities, requirements, solutions to needs I
do want and these I don't.
3. (From 4th to 5th chakra) Outward expression of the chosen possibilities
and related needs, so that others know about our personal preferences through
an exchange of this information from human to human.
4. (From 5th via 6th to 7th chakra) Development of ideas about how the chosen
possibility can best be used and developed and how the consequential needs
and necessities can best be addressed.
5. (From 7th chakra to spirit structure) Attuning our ideas with others
(determining the possibilities outside space and time).
6. (From spirit structure to 7th chakra) Attuned ideas come back.
fig.5 The daily attunement cycle
7. (From 7th chakra to 5th chakra) The ideas are further developed in more
detail and communicated and exchanged with the world outside.
8. (From 5th chakra to 4th chakra) Further development of the final choice.
9. (From 4th to 3rd chakra) Check if the choice takes shape in the best way
10. (From 3rd chakra via 1st chakra through the human structure) realization
of the choice according to the plan.
The development of the possibilities and addressing the needs result in a
change in the possibilities and needs. The information contained in the human
structure has to be adjusted accordingly and the long term cycle has to be
repeated because of the changed input for that cycle.
The whole cylcle and all steps within the cycle has a iterative character, so
that there is continuous attunement with each other about the changing
possibilities and needs and about the personal preferences and choices.
This way our lives and our collective life takes shape in a very dynamic
This cycle to let daily life take shape on basis of the
possibilities of the human being, doesn't work properly or not at all with
people who function in the old way.
When everybody functions in the new way, the best possibilities for everybody
can take shape. Through this process we can only choose between possibilities
which lead to growth and are part of our individual life path. That makes
life a lot easier. It doesn't matter what we choose. All choices lead to the
development and use of our natural possibilities and addressing our actual
The possibilities and needs of the people that still function in the old way
and who are not connected to the star structures, are also incorporated in
the long term attunement process.
For these people who function in the old way it is however possible to make deviating choices, because their (attuned) possibilities and needs are not known to them (because there is no Contact with their soul). Instead they work with beliefs or images that ar in no way related to their real possibilities and related needs.
This gives problems on both sides:
- old: deviating choices are possible and fitting choices can be turned down.
- new: fitting choices prove suddenly not to be possible, because they are
turned down in the human to human exchange.
For 'new' persons this is not such a big problem, but rather a pity
because the whole process of attunement has to be repeated. This way our
journey takes longer, our journey towards the life that fits us best.
But for 'old' people it is bad, because a possibility is rejected that is
part of the path and that would lead to the development and use of the real
possibilities. Besides, choices to deviate from your life path can be wrong
choices that can have disastrous results.
When the current situation is maintained these people could remain functioning in the old way forever. That is why the collective decision is made to change this situation and adjust the design. Also for the human beings who are not (properly) connected to the new system it should only be possible to make choices that match their attuned life plan.
How do we make this happen?
Meanwhile it is 8 July 2011 and I have seen that the option to let the plan be handled through another soul is not a good option, because it is possible to deviate from the plan as soon as there is no direct Contact anymore. Then deviating choices can still be made, following others who still function in the old way. The front door is closed but the back door is wide open. Some deviating choices and actions can't be turned back and they actually result in a limitation of the possibilities.
I also saw that also the human being who functions on the new way carries a
structure of limiting beliefs around that affect the personal choices. These
beliefs fall within the available choices but form a serious limitation to
let the best possibility take shape.
By connecting these beliefs to the plan of the soul, the soul will be able to
take these limitations into account and find ways to circumvent them so that
the best possibility can be 'delivered' to this human being despite his
Earlier, I have seen that the human being who functions in the new
way can be severely limited by the beliefs of the group or groups where this
human being is a part of. Under pressure of this group the own plan can be
dropped and deviating choices are made instead, choices that are aligned to
the beliefs of the group.
By also connecting these limiting beliefs to the personal soul plan, the soul
can take these limiting beliefs into account so that they can be circumvented
and the own desired path can be followed.
Furthermore, I have gained a better understanding of the functioning of it
In fact everyone functions in the new way at birth.
Through the daily experiences and the pressure of the existing world in which
this human being is born, beliefs are build and these beliefs result in a
blockage in certain points in the energy stream that is necessary for the
communication, attunement, coordination and synchronization of the plan. The
energy stream can be blocked in several ways, depending on the experiences of
someone that result in these limiting beliefs. Next, dominant currents evolve
which drag others along on their path of deviating choices, so that a finally
a world is created which can hardly support us adequately with the
development and utilization of our real possibilities (the existing world as
we know it).
Someone can, for instance, close the heart chakra which causes that the
personal plan no longer is part of daily life, but it can also cause that the
soul leaves the body and leaves daily life to the human being and its spirit.
Then, when also the crown chakra is closed, ideas of the spirit can't come
through and the human being has to invent everything himself.
When the base chakra is closed the possibilities and needs of this human
being are not known to the whole which results in a daily life that is not
related to the real possibilities and needs.
The solution for the arisen problem is to take the beliefs into account
from the beginning, from the moment that we are born. The beliefs of the
existing world, but also the beliefs that arise during our lives.
The belief structures should be included in both the long term cycle and the
short term cycle.
It's a bit complicated to visualize this, but it looks something like this:
The beliefs of the existing world and the own beliefs are integrated into
the attunement process. Now the soul knows on basis of what beliefs choices
are approved or rejected and can adjust the plan accordingly.
The result of this is that the human being is not put under pressure any
more, because the soul created a strategic (or tactic) plan. Now everyone us
able to shap their own lives and use and develop new possibilities. Nobody
will be pulled off his or her path by various dominant forces. Aso the soul
has no reason any more to not take part in life and can go on to accompany
the human being on his or her path.
A part of the problem is solved with this.
But what about the people who shut down their heart chakra?
With these people we can connect the individual beliefs and the beliefs of
the social group where this person is a part of to our soul and integrate
these beliefs into our plan.
This looks somewhat like this:
Through this construction we can relate the real possibilities, needs and
necessities of another person to their beliefs. This way we can put a
strategic/tactic plan into place to make sure that we can take the right
actions (to put the other person on the right track), without the risk that
these actions are changed through the back door.
This way, everyone follows the path of his or her soul, independently or with outside help, because now the actual situation is taken into account better.
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