Living in Alignment with All Life, A Higher Level of Existence

How the Structures are Changed

The Chakra Communication & Information System,
a short introduction

The Chakra Communication and Information system is the central part of the Life Path Navigation System. It is responsible for the exchange and processing of all the information that is needed to co-create your life path.

Life Path Navigation

It is an energetic system that:

  • works through the existing chakra system of the human body;
  • connects the different dimensions of life, so that multi-dimensional living as a unity becomes possible;
  • anchors the human being into the Earth and connects the human being to Collective Consciousness;
  • connects all people on Earth with each other and with the Earth to facilitate a society in which all life forms and all possibilities for life on Earth are aligned;
  • connects the Earth to all other planets and stars in the Universe, so life on Earth is aligned with all of life;

  • with which information is exchanged about possibilities, ideas and concepts, wishes and desires, personal preferences, behavior, customs and habits (based on the current situation);
  • with which the alignment is performed to create realistic choices (long term), so that everyone will be able to realize their chosen path;
  • with which the personal soul plan (detail plan) is composed with experiences (events, situations) and actions needed to be able to actually live the chosen life (short term);
  • which facilitates daily life by creating synchronicity through resonance (sending and receiving information from the soul plans);
  • and finally, with which the actual choices are communicated (the actual situation) so that the plans can be adjusted accordingly.

What does the system consist of?

The Chakra Communication and Information system consists of a number of energetic star structures which collect, store, process and distribute specific information. These star structures are interconnected through an energetic connection. This structure is located on the inside of every human being.

Between humans, on the outside, there is no direct energetic connection. Communication from the outside, from human to human, goes through resonance (sending and receiving information) and through human communication.

Next to the new star structures also the existing chakra's of the body play a part in the exchange of information. The chakra's process the information in daily life and report the results of the execution of the plan(s) back, so the plan(s) can be adjusted according to this information.

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A Higher Level of Existence,
Living in Alignment with All Life

How Life Has Changed
How has life changed?
All lives in physical reality are aligned
From one-dimensional to multi-dimensional living

How the human being has changed
Human evolution, a transformation process
Live your best life possible!
Integration of the paths of development of the Soul and the Human being
Paths of development of the evolved human being and changes in society

How the structures are changed
Life Path Navigation System, a global overview

Chakra Communication & Information System
Explanation star structures
Explanation chakra system
Evolution chakra system
Adjustment: linking the external structures

Life plan
Dynamically combining the life plans
The next step: getting the process of supply and demand working
Adjustment: taking the slowness of matter into account
Making better use of the information in your life plan
Is an adjustment needed in the life plans?
Shifting responsibility instead of learning from your mistakes
Adjustment in the life plans: neutralizing collective thought forms

 Collaboration cube
Cube model versus Piramid model

Company details:
Practice Cisca de Lint
Dolfijnpark 4
2983 AZ Ridderkerk

T: 06-29236792
E: info@praktijkciscadelint.nl

KvK: 24462049

Associated with:
Professional association CAT
Dispute body GAT