The chakra system is an important part of the creation process. It deals
with the transport of the creative life energy to and from all the cells in
the body, where the life energy retrieves information about the body.
This works through vibration. The creative life energy has the
characteristic that it takes over the vibration of matter. Every part of the
body has its own vibration. By taking over this vibration by the life
energy, information becomes available about this particular part of the
This information is then used for attuning, coordinating and synchronizing
the needs and possibilities, within the body but also with the outside
world. This works through resonance, the interacting of vibrations. The new
vibration caused by resonance contains new information for the creation
Within the body, the information retrieved by the life energy is used to
coordinate and align the functioning of the cells and organs to each other,
so that the body can function as a whole, as one independent unity.
When a cell, for instance, has a shortage of a particular substance, that
substance is being produced in another part of the body and transported to
that cell.
The body however is not totally self-supporting. It needs building
materials and energy (for movement) from outside sources, dependent on the
consumption within the body. This consumption depends on the activity that
is being asked of the body while shaping and experiencing life (the
creation process).
Suppose for instance that the body is short of a building material that
is contained within an apple. The chakra's receive the information from the
apple and the body detects that the building material is present. Next the
body takes the appropriate action to retrieve the building material from
the apple.
Through resonance also the body and its environment can be attuned to each
other so that they can function as a unity.
Energy channels for transportation of the creative life energy can be found
throughout the body. At the places where these channels come together
vortexes arise which move energy in and out. Well known chakra's are the
large body chakra's that are situated on the longitudinal axis (from crown
to tailbone) of the body.
The chakra's send the information in the life energy out in the shape of
vibrations, but at the same time receive this information from others. This
is how resonance is created within the chakra's.
The purer the chakra's rotate, the purer the information is exchanged. Each
'smudge' in these 'rotors' gives a distortion in the information contained
in the life energy. As a result, the needs and possibilities cannot be
well-coordinated anymore.
When chakra's become blocked, the supply of energy to the cells of
particular organs and other parts of the body can even become stagnated
which causes that no information can be exchanged and as a result those
parts of the body cannot function properly anymore.
This influences how life can be lived.
Food, for instance, cannot be digested in the proper way which results in a
shortage of nutrients and energy that is necessary for movement. This
weakens the body. The body gets ill. The body is no longer suitable for
supporting life, because certain possibilities can no longer be utilized.
To live your best life possible, your body has to be in top condition and the chakra's have to be able to retrieve, distribute and send the creative life energy unobstructed.
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