Living in Alignment with All Life, A Higher Level of Existence

How the Structures are Changed

Adjustment in the life plans: neutralizing collective thought forms

May 2024

Surviving on autopilot

A kind of autopilot is active in our collective subconscious.
A system of thought forms that are activated by the fearful thoughts of individuals with survival anxiety. Each thought form regulates the interaction between multiple people in a given situation. Various 'roles' are included in the thought forms. For example, 'perpetrator' and 'victim', but also 'bystander'.

Once caught in such a thought form, it is difficult to get out again. For example, you become increasingly convinced that your way of life is the best for survival, while you see the threat to it increasing. Or because the thoughts impose a negative self-image on you, which gives you the idea that you have ended up in a certain undesirable situation through your own actions. This can also cause you to find yourself in similar situations over and over again, confirming your negative self-image to yourself.

How autopilot is hindering us

Collective thought forms hinder us, as humanity, in our pursuit of life at a higher level of existence. A life in line with the inner coherence of life, so that everyone, with no exceptions, can experience what it is like to live your best life possible.
All thought forms are aimed at protecting and maintaining a way of life in which one tries to survive comfortably in a world full of dangers and threats.

However, a major problem with comfortable survival is that this way of life always comes at the expense of the quality of life. The quality of the lives of others, of life as a whole and even of one's own life. People who try to survive comfortably do not take the inner coherence of life into account in their choices, behavior and actions. As a result, they feel unsupported by life, their path in life runs straight through the life plans of others and they appropriate resources that others need to shape their best possible, attuned life.
To give an example, the imbalance between rich and poor in this world is caused by people who have found a way to get all the money so that they can buy everything they need to survive comfortably.

When the life path of someone who is trying to survive comfortably crosses the life path of someone who wants to create the best possible attuned life, then a problem arises.
The person who follows the life plan will take steps, consciously or unconsciously, which will result in the alignment of the life of the person who only wants to survive comfortably with his life plan and therefore with his best possible life attuned to others.
And that means a perceived unwanted change in the life of those who only want to survive comfortably, and a feeling of loss of control over their own life.
This triggers survival anxiety and fearful thoughts, which triggers a thought form that contains the best solution to remove the threat from this particular situation and restore a comfortable life.

A generic solution: addressing the need for safety and control

Until now, lightworkers, such as myself, have allowed themselves to be absorbed into such a thought form. This allowed us to get to know these thought forms and introduce new thoughts, creating exits through which we could leave the thought form.
These solutions are then included in the life plans, so that others can continue to shape their life path without too many problems, even if they are drawn into such a thought form.

This works well in situations between two individuals or between an individual and a group.
However, there are currently active thought forms that work at group level. Countries against each other, for example, or population groups. This cannot be solved by individuals. Therefore, there is now a need for a generic solution. A solution with which every conceivable thought form can be neutralized before they can become active.

As mentioned, thought forms become active when the life path of someone who is shaping his life plan intersects the life path of someone who is trying to survive comfortably.
Those who want to survive comfortably may feel attacked by the choices, behavior and actions of those who follow their path in life, and will start to defend themselves.
The thought form that becomes active contains the best course of action to eliminate the threat. That solution depends on the situation. Fight (attack is the best defense), flee (the fastest way out of an unwanted situation), freeze (make the other person think you are dead) or adapt / give in to what the other person wants from you (the path of least resistance) .

The generic solution in the life plans must prevent a thought form from becoming active. A thought form is triggered when the choices, behavior and actions of the one who follows his life plan brings about a change in the life of the one who wants to survive comfortably. If this change causes fear, the thought form becomes active. The solution is then obvious: shape the change in such a way that it does not trigger feelings of fear.
Underlying the need to organize life in such a way that one can survive comfortably is the need for safety and thus the need for control over the thoughts, behavior, choices and actions of others. Life in our Earthly reality is experienced as unsafe and hostile. Aimed at destroying everything you have carefully built up.
Meeting the need for safety therefore has the highest priority.

The safety that someone thinks to have found by controlling the behavior, choices and actions of others is not real safety, but a false safety. This safety must be defended tooth and nail. Hence the need for control over others.
Real safety comes when you co-create a life together with others based on everyone's skills by meeting the need of others to develop their skills.
Then it turns out that Earth is not a dangerous place in which everything you have built up can be destroyed in an unguarded moment, but a Paradise that contains a wealth of opportunities to experience life. These possibilities are not visible at first because they are only initially available and have yet to be developed.

The result of the generic solution

It is the illusion of safety and the illusion of control over others that must be maintained to ensure that no thought forms are triggered. If the false sense of safety is guaranteed and no unexpected changes are made, there is no need to exercise control over others. The life plans will be adjusted accordingly.
Those who follow their life plan can therefore shape their own life path in physical reality without any obstacles, regardless of whose path they cross.
And the others are given the choice again and again to start living according to their life plan in order to experience true safety. It's fine if they need more time to let go of the illusions of safety and control.

I don't know whether this solution will also work in the current conflict situations that are taking place all over the world.
The thought forms are of course already fully active there and those involved live in fear of survival and see that their way of life is seriously threatened. But perhaps here too it will be enough to restore the feeling of safety and the feeling of control over one's own life, to restore peace so that everyone can get on with their own lives without obstacles or threats.

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A Higher Level of Existence,
Living in Alignment with All Life

How Life Has Changed
How has life changed?
All lives in physical reality are aligned
From one-dimensional to multi-dimensional living

How the human being has changed
Human evolution, a transformation process
Live your best life possible!
Integration of the paths of development of the Soul and the Human being
Paths of development of the evolved human being and changes in society

How the structures are changed
Life Path Navigation System, a global overview

Chakra Communication & Information System
Explanation star structures
Explanation chakra system
Evolution chakra system
Adjustment: linking the external structures

Life plan
Dynamically combining the life plans
The next step: getting the process of supply and demand working
Adjustment: taking the slowness of matter into account
Making better use of the information in your life plan
Is an adjustment needed in the life plans?
Shifting responsibility instead of learning from your mistakes
Adjustment in the life plans: neutralizing collective thought forms

 Collaboration cube
Cube model versus Piramid model

Company details:
Practice Cisca de Lint
Dolfijnpark 4
2983 AZ Ridderkerk

T: 06-29236792
E: info@praktijkciscadelint.nl

KvK: 24462049

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Dispute body GAT

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