From the beginning of January I am looking for the quickest route to the best possible life for everybody within a multi dimensional functioning whole. My spirit brings ideas forward and I work on those ideas to determine if they are feasible within the existing physical world.
With 'best possible' I mean:
optimum development and use of every physical and mental (potential)
possibilities and of the (potential) possibilities to live one's own life and
to contribute to the development and use of the (potential) possibilities of
others within the society of which the individual is a part of, aligned with
each other and fitting within all of life. A development and use that is
aligned with everybody's level of development and personal preferences, so
that the development and the use is optimally supported.
For a clear understanding:
'the best possible life' is different for everybody. For some it will be to
experience joy, happiness and harmony in everything they do, for others it
will be the satisfaction to overcome difficulties by relying on and using their own inner
strength, for yet others it will be the challenge to create something that
has never been created and experienced before. Everyone has their own
definition of 'best possible life'.
In January my spirit came up with the idea to begin with renewal of the
educational system. I understood why: it could make sure that new children
could start as soon as possible with living their 'best lives possible'. This
indeed seemed a fast route. On closer inspection however, there were many
difficulties to overcome with this idea. There were possibilities, but also a
lot of challenges. And there was a unanswered question: 'What would happen
when these children entered the 'old' society looking for jobs? Would there
be a place for them? If not, would society get disrupted because these places
could not be filled? If so, would those children be able to change society
from within?'
Because of this unanswered question I rejected this idea. No, starting with
renewal of the educational system is not feasible.
Next, I received the idea to start with the renewal of all aspects of the
society, including the educational system. I investigated the idea and came
to the conclusion that is was feasible and I described the idea in my text of
June 2013 'Being aware of the coherence between the different layers (dimensions,
aspects) of your life'.
Again there was an unanswered question, only this time I was not consciously
aware of that. I accepted the question as a given fact. (I settled with less
then the best!) My spirit, very sharply, saw my question, sought an answer
and came up with a new idea for an even faster route to our best lives
Namely the idea that everyone, every individual as of now can start working
on the development of a new life, a life based on the possibilities of a
multidimensional whole instead of based only on the possibilities of the
physical dimension.
Until now I had taken the possibilities of the physical world as a starting
point, the capability to grow towards a multi-dimensional society from the
physical dimension. The change capacity for that depends on the individuals
who already function on a multidimensional level, imposing in fact a (too)
big responsibility for the change process on these individuals.
The question I got stuck with and that indicated that renewal of the
society in all its aspects was not the fastest route, was the question 'How
long can people maintain a different life?'. These people move within a small
bandwidth between an acceptable life and an unacceptable life, because they
hold on to their habits.
I showed this in the picture below:
The behavior of these people also takes the society along in their zigzagging
movement between an acceptable and an unacceptable society and that in turn
has consequences for the lives of the individuals who want to live their best
possible multidimensional lives within this society.
I underestimated the effect of the movement of society on the lives of these
individuals, because there is a solution on individual level. This solution
however is not known by everyone and/or not everybody is able to apply this
With the new idea my spirit came up with, this solution comes available to
everyone on a subconscious level and on the same time the zigzagging movement
is already stopped on an individual level, within ones own life, so that the
individual life can no longer cause a zigzagging movement of society as a
Everybody moves only in the direction of the best possible life within a
multidimensional whole, while it is not possible anymore to change direction
towards an unacceptable live again the moment that life has reached the
status 'acceptable'.
Above picture then looks like this:
By taking the capabilities of the multidimensional whole as a starting
point, instead of the capabilities of the physical world, it becomes possible
to make life easier for the individuals who are already consciously
functioning in a multidimensional way. These individuals will then be able to
shape and live their best life in total freedom. The solutions that those
individuals had to built in their path before they would be able to live
their best lives within a society that doesn't support that, can now be moved
to the collective level. This makes the solution available for everybody and
this way they form a framework within which the individual life can be lived
in the best way possible.
The way life is organized and the unfolding of life from the inside, as I
described in my text of June 2013,
are the basis for the new idea. Life unfolds and develops from within the
core, from within the soul of life. The individual human being arises out of
the soul of the collective life of Earth. The plan for the life that is
possible for that individual human being is constructed at the same time and
is situated in the soul of the individual. So, from the collective life
individual life arises that carries a plan that holds all potential
possibilities for the life of that individual.
(See picture below)
The plan for every individual contains all possibilities for the optimum
unfolding and development of the individual itself and for the possibilities
for that individual to shape and live life and contains also the
possibilities that are meant to support the development of the individual
and its possibilities in the best way possible.
This plan is compiled based on the physical possibilities of every
individual which is a (small) part of the physical possibilities for the
collective life on Earth (the red circles) and the ideas and concepts which
can be realized with the physical possibilities of the individual as part of
the ideas and concepts which can be realized for the complete life on Earth
(the purple circles). All possibilities for that individual plan lay coded
in the little green circle and form a part of the plan for the complete life
on Earth. Considered over a period of time, the plan contains all
possibilities for the total lifetime of Earth and the sub-plan for the
individual contains all the possibilities for the lifetime of that
With this construction the problem of the division of the available
possibilities of the Earth is also moved from the individual to collective
level. every individual has exactly the amount of matter to its disposal
that fits within life as a whole, now as well as in the future.
During my search through all dimensions for the evaluation of the new idea,
I came across the consciousness (spirit) of the first human being 'Adam'.
Actually, he found me because he felt that my designs didn't respect his
rights. He wasn't at all sure that giving the responsibility for managing
the life plan to the soul would guarantee that his birthright as firstborn
would be respected. Then he gets not enough. If he doesn't get everything,
he gets not enough.
Being the first human being that emerged from the collective consciousness
the whole Earth was at Adam's disposal. Or maybe not? Maybe only what came
to him, like an apple falling from a tree, plus maybe what Eve wanted to
share with Adam from what came to her, was at Adam's disposal?
The seeds in the apple represented the future possibilities and held the
promise that Adam - and his descendents - would always have enough even in
the future. Adam never understood this principle. He wanted to be able to
have everything, the current as well as the future possibilities as well as
the possibilities of Eve, whenever he wanted.
(BTW, this was the first time since I am working on these designs that
someone who doesn't agree with what I am doing started a dialogue with me!
This positive development pleased me very much.)
The new idea also stems from the desire to begin as quickly as possible
with the new learning process because we finished the old one with success.
On collective level everything is learned what could be learned from the
separate and independent development of the soul, the spirit and the human
being. The best way to develop the separate parts, so that a smooth
integration can follow, is known. As everything in life the collective
learning process is shaped and learned through the experiences of the
individuals from the collective. Now that the collective lesson is completed
and there is nothing more to learn about the subject 'independent
development of the parts' there is nothing to experience for the individuals
that can contribute to the collective learning process. Everything is known.
What we learned is turned into knowledge and that knowledge is now available
on a subconscious level because it is integrated in the collective plan for
life as a whole, so that all individuals are 'unconsciously competent' in
this area and it forms the basis for the next learning process.
The next learning process is about the development, learning to use and using
our possibilities within an integrated whole. The emphasis here is on
cooperation, co-creation, getting the best out of all our individual and
joint possibilities
How does that work? How does it not work? How does it work best?
Also the individuals who are still developing their separate parts
independently contribute to this learning process. For this it is necessary
that their development falls within the range of aligned possibilities. This
is accomplished trough the new idea. Known problems with certain stages in
the development are solved smoothly and unnoticed so that every individual
can go on with his or her own development in line with the new plan.
We are currently in a situation that the plan for ones own life isn't
active from birth so that life unfolds and fits perfectly within the
possibilities of life as a whole, but that the plan has to be constructed and
start working for everybody who lives on Earth right now and who lived their
lives until now based upon the possibilities of the physical dimension.
This is a totally different situation then when the plan is active from
birth. Because now we have to deal with
a life that (for most people) is not fully aligned with the available
possibilities according to the plan, the possibilities in a multidimensional
whole, because it was not possible to connect with that plan so the human
being was dependent for his actions and decisions on his or her own insights
from the limited physical perspective.
Because of this we have a different starting point for our physical
(potential) possibilities that is not present in the original plan, therefore
a change trajectory should be incorporated in the plan to take our lives as
fast as possible to a point in the original plan.
How does the plan for your best possible life from the current situation look like? The picture below gives a good impression of how the plan is constructed, I think. The red slanting lines on the right show that the different life is going to be phased out. The purple slanting line and the dark red slanting line on the right indicate that unused possibilities and unrealized ideas, which can contribute to the best possible life, can still be developed. This includes restoring and enhancing possibilities that are still needed now and in the future but do not function properly (anymore).
The life that is realized until now is fixed and has become the past. That
life continues into the present moment, the NOW, This is the physical world
as we can perceive it today. In the NOW we come, through the execution of an
action, from the past to the future.
(Notice that this is action-bound and not time-bound. There are deadlines in
the time, but those are also the result of an action or actions.)
The action is planned by the soul and is based on the ideas of the spirit
and also the future possibilities are known to the spirit. The individual
human being performs the action thus realizing one of the possible outcomes.
Because of this action all future possibilities change.
In this process of acting the human being is able to deviate from the
choices in the plan of his or her soul. So there is no predestination, but
just making use of your possibilities.
It is the challenge of the collective soul to learn to know all
possibilities an individual sees (from the perspective of the physical
dimension), which do not fall within the aligned possibilities, so that they
can be taken into account and the spirit can adapt the ideas and concepts to
the new possibilities.
The plan is aligned to the possibilities, not the other way around.
The collective plan plays a big part. This plan is managed by the collective
soul. Every individual plan, and thus the available choices for every
individual, fall within the framework of the collective plan. The behavior
and habits of people are included in the collective plan and the collective
spirit comes with ideas and concepts which take this behavior and the habits
into account. This way solutions as an answer to limiting behavior are
immediately available for everybody.
This way the road is cleared through the collective plan so that everyone
can unfold, develop end learn according to the individual plan without
unnecessary barriers. The individual can focus completely on the execution
of the own plan without having to plan an additional trajectory first to
clear the road to make the execution of the plan possible.
In the physical dimension the idea lives that the past only exists of 'that what is realized'. From the perspective of multiple dimension however also the unused possibilities from the past are visible and also the related un-realized ideas and concepts which can still be developed, worked out in detail and realized. Whether or not these possibilities can be developed depend on the question whether the possibility is needed in the future (does the possibility answer to a future need?) and of the question whether or not is available now what is needed to develop this future possibility, from the realized world.
A human being works on the development of possibilities of which a future
demand is present while he or she receives from others what is needed to do
so, while at the same time delivering to others what is needed now by them
to develop their possibilities of which a future demand is present.
This is an essential difference with the 'old' one-dimensional life.
In that life we first noticed a lack of something and then we looked how we could
fill in that lack. When there was a lot of demand for something (much lack)
then we were going to develop end deliver that something, because then we
could earn enough money to live from (because we never had enough money!)
So: the main focus is not on filling in current shortages anymore, but on developing future possibilities.
The plan for the new life begins with an analyses of the current life of
every individual. Everything in life is being assessed to see what is in
line with the 'best possible' multidimensional life and what deviates from
What is in line can be used and build upon. It will be integrated in the
'best possible' life.
What deviates should (carefully) be phased out and cleaned up.
What is not needed anymore is cleaned up directly and is no longer
what is still of value can be used up to be of value in the transition
what is still working but not properly should be used in an adapted way until
it has to be replaced,
what is still working but not in a for everyone safe way is no longer
available, but can be replaced by a better and safer solution. These
solutions are already available.
Then the unused potentials are assessed and the related ideas and concepts
and to what is necessary and available to develop the possibilities which
are needed in the future.
The basis of the plan is now ready. All future possibilities are now known.
The execution of the plan can start.
The plan, which contains all possibilities that lead to the 'best life
'possible', can be executed when the one possibility is known that is rated
as 'best possibility that can be realized in the physical world at this
To be clear: we are talking about the first set of choices in the plan. When
this one choice, the best from the perspective of the combined dimensions, is
realized in the physical world new choices are available. The process of
choosing the 'best possible option' goes step by step, because after each
choice a new network of choices exists and every action, in line with the plan or
not, influences the available possibilities.
Finding this one best possibility is a process in itself. It is the
responsibility of the individual soul, by developing and offering the right
experiences, to find out what is the best possibility from the perspective of
the human being. It is the responsibility of the spirit to realize the idea
or concept that fits the human being best. Cooperation with the soul is
needed for this, because the soul has to develop and offer the right
experiences that the human being needs to be able to evaluate the proposed
idea or concept and choose the best one.
As I mentioned earlier not only the human being but also the associated
spirit and soul are in a certain stage of development. This influences how
the 'best possible choice' is determined. This is taken into account in the
collective plan. In fact all possibilities lead to a best possible life. This
creates a safe framework to learn how to create together by taking each other
into consideration.
A careful preparation is needed to arrive at the best life possible. Time is not a factor of interest here. The care with which the best possible option is determined ís.
What can you expect when your life is not in line with your best life
Then you enter a change process in which possibilities are going to be phased
out or repaired or brought into optimum form and unknown possibilities are
being developed.
How are you going to experience that? What are you going to notice of it?
There are many different ways to come from the old life to the new life. Also in this process you have a choice. This choice does not involve the continued use of possibilities that are not in line with your future best life. However, you are able to still try to use possibilities which are not in line with your best life possible again and again, thus actively slowing down your growth towards your best life possible. You can also choose to do nothing because none of the choices are of your liking. With this action you also slow down your growth towards your best life possible.
During the evaluation of this new idea I asked the question how people are
going to experience that possibilities are suddenly closed down. To answer
that question I got a series of three experiences (events) where I could
derive the answer from.
What struck me was that I needed emergency services before I could continue.
This emergency services could not only help me on my feet again, but they
also provided me with advice about a better solution that was available to
Where I used a possibility which was not safe because it could be misused
by others to gain personal advantage, I could not gain access anymore. In
that case I was more or less forced to use a better and safer solution that
fitted within everyone's plans.
At the same time the unauthorized use of this possibility by others is
prohibited. For these persons this possibilities was a 'shortcut' and they are
confronted with the fact that this route is suddenly closed down. So they are
now forced to use possibilities that do fall within their plans, but they
didn't want to use because they preferred the easier shortcut above their
(more difficult-looking) own path.
The collective plan is adapted at this point. Barriers on one's path
should be avoided. Life must continue to flow and necessities should be
available in the right amount just in time so that people don't feel the need
to take a shortcut.
(The fact that people only use their own aligned possibilities already lead
to a better flow because use and availability are aligned to each other.)
Where I was using a possibility that didn't function optimally because it
is worn out because of old age I was helped to get on the road again, but the
message was clear that I was using a possibility that didn't function
properly anymore because it came at the end of its lifecycle. It was a
possibility that had to be replaced but there was still some time to postpone
this replacement.
Here I had a choice. Replace immediately? Replacing the part that didn't
function properly anymore? Or keep using the possibility as long as it still
worked for me until replacement was necessary, but in an adapted way?
The third possibility was a possibility from the joint life (the community) which was already scheduled to be phased out because a better solution is being worked on but is not yet ready to be used. This possibility still had some value for me to use up for shaping my life according to my plan, until the new solution is ready for use.
Gradually, and for most people barely noticeable, we grow towards our best
life possible.
Via the fastest route possible.
The Collective Roadmap of Humanity
October 2024:
The influence of a traumatic experience in the first evolutionary stage
September 2024:
A new assignment, a new design:
'Investigate how the best life for everyone can be created in every encounter'
May 2022:
Let's make waves together! A faster route to the best possible life for everyone
August 2020:
Adjustment of life plans: taking the slowness of matter into account
April 2019:
Start of a new trajectory: finding solutions to old problems
Adjustment to the system: eliminate unwanted influence between dimensions
February 2019:
Adjustment to the life plan - unconscious automatic reactions
March to June 2017:
Adjustment to the system - information separation
September 2016 to March 2017:
Adjustment to the system - how do we shape our shared life?
July to September 2016:
Adjustment to the communication- and information system for
the completion of the 'old' life
March to June 2016:
Creating the best of both worlds, or the best possible world for everyone?
December 2015 to March 2016:
Co-creating the future instead of re-creating the past
July to December 2015:
The preparation phase
March to June 2015:
"Destination reached": living from a new reality
June 2014 to March 2015:
The battle for the best life possible
March 2014 to June 2014:
Aligning available resources for the short, medium and long term
December 2004 to March 2014:
Where do we come from? Where are we standing right now? Where are we going?
September 2014:
Balancing life across and through all levels of multidimensional
life creates a better balance in life as a whole
October 2013:
Milestone reached: the necessary preparations for individual and
collective level have been completed. Next phase: renewal of society.
August 2013:
Making the most of the multidimensional possibilities for solving bottlenecks,
by taking the human ideas as the starting point
July 2013:
From now on, with the next step everyone is building the best life
which is possible within a multi-dimensionally functioning whole
June 2013:
Being aware of the cohesion between the various layers (dimensions, aspects)
of your life
Company details:
Practice Cisca de Lint
Dolfijnpark 4
2983 AZ Ridderkerk
T: 06-29236792
KvK: 24462049
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Website: Practice Cisca de Lint