You've probably heard of the term 'holding space'. Maybe you do it yourself regularly during group meditations or healing sessions. But what exactly is it? And why is it an important activity, especially now that there is chaos in the world around you and a new world wants to emerge from that chaos?
The term 'holding space' does not fully describe it. If we take it literally, it seems to only be about defining
a certain space and keeping it open. This creates a safe space in which healing can take place and a new creation
can manifest without outside interference.
But which space? Can it be just any space? And is that space empty? If not, what's in that space?
Compare it with the role of the mother in pregnancy. The womb is the demarcated safe space, shielded from the
outside world, in which a baby can develop into viable new life. The uterus is then not empty. A seed has nestled
in it that contains the complete blueprint for the development of that new life.
As a mother you don't just hold the space. You also provide the building materials that the baby needs to
be able to grow and develop, and you take care of the life functions that the baby itself has not yet (fully)
After birth the baby is viable, but even then it is necessary to provide that new life with a safe space and to take over certain functions that are not yet (sufficiently) developed. Until this new person is able to demarcate its own space and shape its own life, attuned to others and life as a whole.
Shaping your own life in tune with others is virtually impossible when the outside world takes hold of you. This
existing world is separate from the whole and shaping an individual life inevitably goes at the expense of
the lives of others. You then either learn how to live your life as comfortable as possible or you learn that
you are not worthy of living a comfortable life. No one is holding space for you and your new life. Instead, they
look at what you can add to their lives and how your life fits into the life they have already created for
Such a life always lead to discomfort, because your possibilities for shaping your life do not match the
possibilities of others. The possibilities as recorded in everyone's unique blueprint.
Fortunately, it is always possible to start shaping your own unique, attuned life from a non-attuned life. However, that is not easy. And even then it is necessary that someone else will hold space for you and shield you from outside influences. And that someone temporarily takes over the functions from you that you still need to develop in order to be able to shape your own attuned life within the existing reality.
I see this happening more and more often around me. People who receive no support from today's
society but are left to fend for themselves, are taken under their wing by people who see what it takes to get
these people back on track. They give them exactly what they need to develop their own potential.
'Holding space', therefore, is not only an activity that takes place in the spirit, but is also a concrete
activity in daily life.
One's own unique blueprint does not stop at the human characteristics, such as the physical body,
the spirit, the personality, the character, the intellect. The life that someone can shape in the world,
with its unique combination of human characteristics and in collaboration with other people, is also part of
that unique blueprint.
Where the blueprint of every person is recorded in the DNA, the blueprint of every person's life is recorded
in a life plan.
Both blueprints are a representation of how the particles of matter move at the quantum level of our
By being 'present' in this quantum space, we reserve the particles of matter with which we can
shape our aligned individual and collective future. These particles can then no longer be claimed and
used by people who form their lives without taking the coherence of life into account.
If we don't reserve our particles, someone else can use them.
Our possibilities for shaping an attuned life are limited, because the particles that others appropriate
are no longer available to us.
This delays the manifestation of the new world.
'Holding space' is therefore a very important activity for the manifestation of a new world. A world in which all lives are attuned to each other in such a way that everyone, no one excepted, can shape and experience their best life possible.
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understands that we are all on Earth for the same purpose
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Through a shock starting to follow the right path again
February 2024
'Holding space', an important activity for the manifestation of the best possible life for everyone
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and the force of outside influences
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the integration of Man (belly), Soul (heart) and Spirit (head)
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November 2022
Manifesting the aligned joint reality through inner leadership
September 2022
The inner energy transition: from conflict energy to life energy
May 2022
Breaking the illusion that the form of matter determines your life
April 2020
The new society is a serving society
Crisis, the emergency brake of our self-healing capacity
January 2020
2020, time for an evaluation
September 2019
Recognize your talent for living in cohesion
January 2019
Effective pain relief
August 2018
Window of opportunity
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Do you allow change?
July 2017
You are invaluable!
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How aware are you of your aura?
Flow with the creative energy of attuned choices
October 2016
How do I get from my current life to my new life?
August 2016
What exactly is that: my best possible life?
June 2016
* Using duality as a 'tool' and making it work for you,
instead of losing yourself in irreconcilable contradictions
* Higher skills for quarding
the intrinsic coherence of life
November 2015
Clarity about your life path,
to yourself and others, creates harmony with your environment
October 2015
Fear of the future caused by
unexpected terrifying events from the outside, dissolves in the
shine of one's own inner light
September 2015:
Manifestation. Your ideas and plans lead to success. The fruits of your
work becomes visible
Augustus 2015:
How do you determine your next step in the new reality?
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Practice Cisca de Lint
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2983 AZ Ridderkerk
T: 06-29236792
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Website: Practice Cisca de Lint