Blogs - Conscious Multidimensional Living

Learn to manifest as a trinity in 12 steps,
the integration of Human (belly), Soul (heart) and Spirit (head)

January 2024

The next phase in your development

I wondered where we are now on our collective journey to a higher level of existence. To gain some more insight into this, I did a tarot reading for the next 12 months. At least, that's what I thought.

However, the spread surprised me, because it turned out not to be (just) about the next 12 calendar months, but over any 12 consecutive months (or periods). The maps clearly showed a path of development.

A path of development in which you can discover how you can shape your life as a conscious multi-dimensional person, with the central theme “I rule over my own life and over all life that is connected with me and my life, as a sovereign king.”

(Used tarot deck: Joie de Vivre by Paulina Cassidy)


This path of development begins when your previous development phase, integration and learning to work together with your Soul as a twoness, has been completed. You then are ready to also integrate with your higher Spirit and discover how the new cooperation works.
Your consciousness then forms a trinity, which is not only firmly rooted in the Earth and daily life on that Earth, but also in Unity consciousness, the field in which all life is attuned to each other, and in quantum reality, the field with all potential possibilities to form life in physical reality.
This means that you as a person can trust that you will form your best possible life. You no longer have to fear that something could go wrong due to your actions or the actions of others. This allows you to let go of control. You can finally exhale and let yourself be carried along in a relaxed manner by the lifestream of potential possibilities.

What is striking about the spread is that many themes from the previous phase return.
It is still about dealing with change, breaking through illusions, transforming fear into confidence, and taking a new path with new opportunities.
That makes sense, because you are still human and the world around you still functions in the old way. What is new is your consciousness and therefore the way you look at life, the life you want to create and the way you can create that life.

After cooperation with your higher Spirit has been initiated, you will again be faced with challenges to align your life with your new reality. Because you followed your life path under the guidance of your Soul, but you only worked with those possibilities that you already knew from your perspective and your reality and not with all the possibilities for shaping your future that were still unknown to you.
You may panic when you see that your life seems to be collapsing again. But if you realize that new possibilities need space to manifest, you can find the strength to get through this period with confidence.

After this period, an interesting trajectory of 7 steps starts that begins with the Coins 9 card and ends with the Coins Ace card. From confidence in the growth process to its reward with creativity, productivity, opportunities and abundance.
In between there are 5 steps that all have to do with the transition from thinking from your lower human spirit to thinking from your higher Spirit Mind.

Ultimately, this growth process leads to the start of the next growth cycle and then you are at the beginning of the next phase, in which you can shape and manifest life as a perfectly cooperating trinity.

the 12 steps at a glance:

Step 1: Addressing any blockages to cooperation with your higher Spirit
Step 2: Aligning yourself and your life with your life as a trinity
Step 3: Learning to work with the driving force of future possibilities
Step 4: Taking your life to a higher level by developing innovative ideas
Step 5: Your inner transition to a higher level of being
Step 6: Discovering the qualities that help you collaborate best with your higher Spirit Step 7: Discovering that the idea that you are limited is an illusion
Step 8: Adjusting your way of thinking to be able to work with the new ideas
Step 9: Letting go of mental fears through a change of perspective
Step 10: Making optimal use of new opportunities for growth and development
Step 11: Life goes on, 'onward and upwards'
Step 12: A new phase of development begins

Development path “Learning to collaborate with your higher Spirit”

Central theme:

“Ruling as a sovereign king over your own life and all life connected to you and your life”

This stage of development is about 'ruling' your own life, in the same way as a balanced king would rule his kingdom. A king with qualities such as reliable, stable, strong, enterprising and competent. A king who has integrated belly, heart and head and who uses all three when making choices and decisions. Not only your own life will benefit from this, but also all life that is connected to you and your life.

You now know that your life does not stand alone, but that you are part of a larger composite whole in which all possibilities are aligned in such a way that everyone, with no exceptions, can live his or her best life possible.
Your choices therefore not only influence the quality of your own life, but also the quality of the lives of others. That is why you take responsibility for the quality of life by only choosing to create possibilities that are attuned to all life and not those possibilities that are at the expense of the quality of life of others or of yourself.

At the human level, the level of physical reality, the coherence of life is not visible. However, we can perceive that coherence if we 'look' through the eyes of our Soul. It perceives our reality at the level of the unity of life. At that level it can also be seen where life in physical reality is not yet in line with this inner coherence and what is needed to restore that coherence.
Therefore, the Soul is the manager of our individual and collective life plans in which all coordinated possibilities to shape our future life are included.

However, the Soul sees the coherence of life, but has no insight into all the potential possibilities with which life can be shaped. These possibilities are visible at the quantum or particle level of our reality and that is the domain, or 'living area' of our higher Mind.
At this level of our reality there are endless possibilities visible to shape a reality. In order to connect these possibilities with what is possible in physical reality and to attune those possibilities to the possibilities of everyone, coordination is needed between the Human being that you are, the Soul that you are and the higher Spirit that is you also are at the same time.
This attunement can happen in different ways, depending on the 'distance' between the different levels of your consciousness and depending on where these levels of consciousness are located in relation to their location in your body.
The human body accommodates three successive levels of consciousness, namely in your belly, in your heart and in your head. Your human consciousness has its place in your belly, your Soul consciousness in your heart and your higher Spirit consciousness in your head.
The ideal way of working together is when these three levels of your consciousness each take their place in your body and the three levels of consciousness are fully integrated into one composite whole, a trinity.

In the 12 steps of your new development path you will discover how you can best shape this integration and cooperation with your higher Spirit.

Part 1 Preparationphase

Step 1: Addressing any blocks to cooperation with your higher Spirit

Key words: communication, choice, love, confidence, passion

A condition for integration and cooperation with your higher Spirit is that you have already entered into a conscious cooperation with your Soul. And that your human consciousness and your Soul's consciousness are already integrated into one composite whole.
In other words: your belly (Human) and heart (Soul) have already been integrated into a twoness. Finally, the head (the higher Spirit) is added.

You have already gone through the process that you will go through over the next 12 months with your Soul.
Once, in the distant past, you broke the cooperation with your Soul and deviated from your life path. Perhaps because you no longer had confidence that your Soul had the best interests of you and the world at heart, because reality turned out to be so much different than you had previously thought. Or maybe you thought you had failed as a person and you no longer dared to face your Soul because of the 'mistakes' you had made.
These misunderstandings therefore first had to be clarified before you could even say 'yes, I do' to the renewed cooperation with your Soul. Trust had to be restored, you had to have a say in your life plan and your life plan had to be better aligned with life in physical reality and with how life is experienced from a human body.
And because you started to shape a life that deviated from your life plan, you had to bring your life back into line with your place and role within life as a whole. You also had to clean up or transform all the habits, thoughts and reactions with which you had shaped your deviant life. And everything that unconsciously influenced your thoughts, behavior and actions. Maybe you've been working on this for years

You will have to go through a similar process to restore cooperation with your higher Spirit and make integration possible.
In this step you will therefore be faced with challenges to check whether there is still work to be done with regard to that relationship and cooperation. For example, misunderstandings may have arisen in the past, during previous lives, between your human consciousness and your higher Spirit or between your Soul and your higher Spirit. These misunderstandings must first be cleared up before you can integrate with your higher Mind and explore how the new partnership will work best.

The misunderstandings between your higher Mind and you or your Soul are related to the different perspectives from which each of you view life and the possibilities to shape your life. This difference in perspective has to do with the different frequencies at which your consciousness functions. You, as a human being, function at the lowest frequency, your higher Mind at the highest frequency, and your Soul's frequency range overlaps with yours and that of your higher Mind. Your higher Mind 'runs' at such a high speed that it can see all the possibilities available to shape your life all at once, while your frequency has slowed down so much that you can perceive all the details and you can build up a creation step by step.

This difference may have led to great irritation with your higher Mind because you seemed to ignore its ideas, and to a feeling of "not being good enough" with you because you were doing your very best to shape those ideas. It may be that your higher Spirit tried to use all kinds of manipulation techniques to get you to shape the possibilities it saw and that your Soul then protected you by shielding you from your higher Spirit by breaking up and moving on with you.

You understand that these misunderstandings must first be clarified before you can make the conscious choice to continue as a trinity again, but now on the basis of equality and trust and with respect for everyone's place and function within the whole.
This step is therefore an initiation phase. The beginning of a joint learning process.

Step 2: Aligning yourself and your life with your life as a trinity
Keywords: Liberation, revelation, awakening, freedom, reality

Before you can begin to explore cooperation with your higher Spirit, your life must be aligned with the life that you can shape as a trinity.
The basis from which you will create your new life, manifest your new possibilities, must be good. Only on a solid foundation can you build a stable house.
That is why in this step you will be given challenges to clear away and let go of everything that is not in line with your new life to be created.

You are no stranger to this process. Even when you entered into collaboration with your Soul, you had to examine your life and let go of everything that was not in line with your place and role within life as a whole. It was mainly about changing behavior that caused you to live a life that deviates from your life plan.

The difference in collaboration with only your Soul or also with your higher Spirit is in the potential possibilities you have to shape your life. In working with your Soul you could only draw on your memory and your imagination. Your true possibilities for the future were not included in your life plan, because this is the domain (frequency range) of your higher Mind and there was no exchange between your higher Mind and your Soul. And if that exchange did occur, then the potential future possibilities were not aligned with what is possible in your current daily reality because there was no alignment between you and your higher Mind.

In the Trinity you will manifest your best possible life in alignment with your Soul and your higher Spirit. Of all the potential possibilities to shape your life, only the realistic possibilities are included in your life plan. Possibilities that are tailored to the current and future possibilities of everyday reality.

Step 3: Learning to work with the driving force of future possibilities
Keywords: Compassion, patience, balance, healing, strength

Your life can be quite unstable and unpredictable on the outside. This can make you anxious about your future and leave you feeling powerless, unable to bring about the change in your life that you so desire.
However, your life on the inside can give you the strength to deal with this ever-changing reality, find your own way through life and create your best possible life.

The difference between reality on the outside and that on the inside is that in the outside world choices are made based on the idea that as an individual you have to survive in a hostile world. A world in which everything and everyone can suddenly turn against you, because they see you as a danger to their survival.
The reality on the inside cherishes you and your life, because you are an important part of life as a whole. It therefore ensures that your life is attuned to all other life that is connected to you and your life.
When you trust your inner strength you can be assured that you will create your best possible, aligned life.

Your inner strength is the life energy that flows through you. The flow of particles of matter that contains the potential possibilities for your future life. From the future, this lifestream gives you, as it were, a push in the right direction. If you flow with this flow, you can be assured that your life will remain one with all life.

The potential possibilities in your lifestream are the possibilities that have been incorporated into your life plan by your Soul.
Before you entered into collaboration with your higher Spirit, these potential possibilities were focused on being able to create your own life in an outside world that was not attuned to you. The Soul tailored your life plan to you and to possibilities that had already manifested in the outside world.
Now that you have entered into a partnership with your higher Spirit, the future, not yet manifested possibilities are also included in your life plan. You will discover how, step by step, you can bring yourself and the world around you to a higher level of existence.

Part 2 Learning to cooperate with your higher Spirit

Step 4: Taking your life to a higher level by developing innovative ideas
Keywords: Prosperity, abundance, confidence, independence, growth

In this step you will discover the added value of working with your higher Spirit when it comes to the possibilities you have to shape your life.

When following your life path under the guidance of your Soul, you already gained a sense of independence and growth. Unlike when you were still in survival mode, you no longer felt dependent on other people to live your own life. As following the directions brought success and prosperity, your confidence in your Soul and your life path grew.

Your Soul helped you shape a life according to your own ideas.
However, your past still played a role in the choices you made and therefore in the options that were included in your life plan. For example, you tried to avoid situations and people that made you feel like there was no room to be yourself and shape your own life according to your own ideas.
This limited your options to shape your best life possible.

Together with your Soul, you have broken free from a life that did not suit you and that seriously limited your ability to shape your life according to your own ideas. A life in which you are free to be yourself.
But it is not yet your best possible life because you are limited to the ideas based on your past experiences and knowledge. Your higher Spirit has insight into all your possibilities. Not only the existing, but also the future.

In order to shape the best possibilities for your own life, you will have to let go of the focus on possible dangers from the past. Your Soul now knows what you are afraid of and will include solutions in your life plan to ensure that you have the freedom to shape your own life in every situation and in every company.

Then you can begin to receive the ideas from your higher Spirit to determine how you could best shape them in the existing reality.
After all, living in the physical dimension of our reality is your expertise.
Your Soul then includes the step-by-step plan for this new creation in your life plan, after which you can carry out your part of the creation.
This creates a collaboration between the three of you, in which everyone has their own role based on their own expertise. Your higher Spirit knows what is possible, your Soul looks at which possibilities lead to the best life for everyone and life as a whole, you know everything about physical reality and adapt the ideas accordingly, and your Soul makes the step-by-step plan to create the best opportunity.

With the innovative ideas of your higher Spirit you bring your life, the lives of others and life as a whole, to a higher level of existence.

Step 5: Your inner transition to a higher level of being
Keywords: Transition, guidance, recovery, exploration, movement

In step 2, your outer reality is aligned with your best possible future. In this step you will make an inner transition to a higher consciousness, the trinity.
You become aware that your inner reality is determined by your level of consciousness. Your consciousness determines how you look at the world, how you experience what happens in your life and how you respond to it.

As a human being, with a human consciousness, you can experience the world as hostile. It's about eating or being eaten. A world in which you have to survive as best as you can, preferably as comfortably as possible. Your behavior will be aimed at keeping peace with the world around you, or at making you invisible by keeping very quiet, or at controlling, dominating and fighting others. With a human consciousness you are in survival mode.

From your Soul Consciousness the world looks very different. You experience the world as a coherent whole. As one life that is composed of many independently functioning parts, each of which has its own place and function within that whole with which they support each other. You can compare it with how your body functions.
Your behavior is aimed at bringing your life and your environment in line with who you are and the role you therefore fulfill within this whole.
From Soul Consciousness it is very frustrating when people make choices that are at the expense of the coherence of life, the quality of life and sometimes even at the expense of the lives of other people.

From the consciousness of your Higher Mind you look at the many possibilities with which you can shape and experience your life. Existing possibilities, what the Earth has to offer now, and future possibilities. Everything is possible when you see through the eyes of your higher Spirit.
From the higher Spirit consciousness it is incomprehensible that no one seems to see all those possibilities, that the concepts presented by the higher Spirit are not understood or are rejected as 'not possible', and that shaping those possibilities has to take so long.

You see that these three levels of your consciousness each have their own perspective on the world and react in their own way to what happens in life.
By integrating all three levels of your consciousness, you gain a new consciousness that allows you to look at your life in a new way and respond in a new way to what is happening in your life.
And at the same time, from this whole, each level of your consciousness also looks at the world from its own perspective and contributes its own expertise to jointly arrive at the right response to events.

During this period, everything that prevents integration with the consciousness of your higher Spirit is brought to your attention so that you can solve it. Afterwards, the integration with your Human/Soul consciousness can take place.
You are then a different person and therefore react differently to your environment than before integration.

Step 6: Discovering the qualities that help you collaborate best with your higher Spirit
Key words: Clarity, practical intelligence, insight, communication

In this step you will discover which qualities you can best use in collaboration with your higher Spirit.

You are used to shaping your life with already existing possibilities. For these ideas you rely on your memory and on the knowledge and expertise of others.
However, your higher Spirit comes up with completely new ideas. Innovations that you are not yet familiar with and that do not yet exist in this reality. Then you need another way to shape and manifest these ideas in your life.

Although these ideas do not yet exist, you will shape them based on existing possibilities. You then need an open spirit to see possibilities in the new ideas that your higher Spirit proposes, but also a practical intelligence to shape these ideas from the existing possibilities.

The ideas of your higher Spirit are often not yet fully aligned with the currently existing reality. That's because those ideas were designed for the ideal world and unfortunately we live in a world that is far from ideal. It is then your job (as a human) to apply your expertise on how it works in existing reality to adapt the concepts to what is possible. This requires communicating with your higher Spirit so that it can adjust the concepts and your Soul can incorporate the correct creation plan into your life plan.

Step 7: Discovering that the idea that you are limited is an illusion
Keywords: Freedom, vulnerability, illusion, fear, letting go

Your higher Spirit asks you to shape your life in a new way. With new, innovative ideas. You want that too, but you wonder whether it is possible. In the past you have experienced a lot of resistance, threats and perhaps even opposition in shaping your life your way. This resistance triggered your survival mechanism. Your 'security system' that warns you when you want to shape a life that deviates from what fits into the existing reality and that helps you get through the life-threatening situation in the best way.
The resistance and threats have taught you to adapt to the mores of the group and to accept limitations in order to safeguard your own survival.

However, the situation is completely different now.
Your survival is guaranteed because your life is embedded in an overarching life in which all lives are attuned to each other. Also on lives that are still shaped in the old way.
The new ideas to bring your life, the lives of others and collective life to a higher level of existence are already present at the particle level.
Moreover, from your knowledge and experience, you bring those ideas into alignment with life in the existing reality. This means that you find solutions to prevent resistance and threats. These solutions will be included in your life plan.
By trusting the trinity that you are now, you can let go of your fear of being limited.

Step 8: Adjusting your way of thinking to be able to work with the new ideas
Keywords: Vision, performance, logic, justice, steadfastness

Living from the idea that you have to adapt to the existing reality entails a certain way of thinking. You have to adapt to your environment and you shape your life with existing possibilities. So you constantly look at your outer environment, and at the past, to determine how your life could fit into it.

To be able to shape your life with the ideas and concepts of your higher Mind requires a completely different way of thinking.
You must open yourself up to receiving future, as yet unknown possibilities and you must ensure that these possibilities can actually function within the existing reality by making adjustments to the concepts provided. To make room for those new possibilities within the existing reality. And to ensure that existing lives change without opposition being triggered.

In the new situation you have an active, conscious role in converting an idea into a concept and subsequently into a working creation.

Step 9: Letting go of mental fears through a change of perspective
Keywords: Perspective, oppression, fear, hope, light

You've been in survival mode for a very long time. Your body knows exactly how to react in threatening situations. Fight? Flee? Be still? Adjust? Please? Your thoughts are also determined by this survival mechanism. They are thoughts of fear.
You remember the threats very clearly, and those memories can prevent you from shaping the ideas of your higher Mind.

What is needed to take your life to the next level is a change of perspective. Not looking from the limited perspective of survival, but from the broader perspective of perfectly aligned lives and aligned potential possibilities.

You no longer have to do it alone, you are now part of a larger collaborative whole.

Step 10: Making optimal use of new opportunities for growth and development
Keywords: Opportunities, abundance, reward, productivity, creativity

This step is connected to step 4, in which you could discover the added value of collaboration with your higher Spirit compared to only collaboration with your Soul.
By opening yourself up to the unknown innovative ideas of your higher Spirit you can create the best possible life for yourself and everyone connected to your life. You no longer have to live in fear and limit yourself to recreating ideas that gave you a sense of security and familiarity in the past.

In the intervening steps, you have elevated all aspects of creating in your spirit by taking on new tasks and redefining roles between your human spirit and your higher Mind.
You have let go of control over what your “best possible life” should look like and you have accepted a new responsibility to assess and adapt the ideas and concepts of your higher Spirit to current physical reality and the way in which others who maintain reality.

Now that you have transformed your human consciousness, your little 'I', from fearful and alone to confident and embedded in a larger, collaborative whole, new opportunities for growth and development come your way.

Part 3 Completion and new beginnings

Step 11: Life goes on, 'onward and upwards'
Keywords: Change, revolution, cycles, movement, happiness

You have worked so hard over the past few months and what a result! You have brought your consciousness to a higher level. You now function as a trinity in which your Human Being, your Soul and your Spirit work together in a new way. From now on you co-create the best possible life for yourself, others and life as a whole.
Maybe you think you're done now. However, life goes on. Change is the only constant.
In this step you are respirited that life does not move in a straight line but in cycles. Not in the same circles over and over again (although you have been stuck in vicious circles in the past), but in an ever-widening upward spiral movement. Up, because your consciousness continues to grow to a higher level. Wider, because life offers more and more opportunities to shape and experience your life.

Your life path moves through life in a cyclical motion. As a result, you seem to encounter the same situations over and over again. Situations for which you previously had no solution, which made you feel stuck in a life that did not suit you. In this step you will be provided with new solutions that will allow you to effortlessly shape your best options.

Step 12: A new phase of development begins
Key words: Creativity, beginnings, energy, direction, intuition

The collaboration with your Soul and your higher Spirit gives you plenty of energy and it boosts your intuition and your creativity.
You have successfully completed this development phase. You have taken yourself, your consciousness, to a higher level. Now you, as a trinity, can start taking your life to a higher level and thus the lives of others and life as a whole.

Life on Earth is still in the transition phase of life's evolution to a higher plane of existence. Your development from a separate individual via the two-unity to the three-unity that you are now is an important step in that collective transition phase. With your new consciousness you have all the possibilities to take daily life to the next level of evolution.


I hope I have given you some insight into this stage of development. As I go through the steps in the coming months, I will certainly add to the information.
And take a look at treatment sessions and -trajectories to see how I can support you if you are stuck, regardless of where you are in your development process to a higher level of consciousness.

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Conscious Mutidimensional Living

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