Blogs - Conscious Multidimensional Living

Be like the spider in your life's web

Januari 2025

Your life web

This year asks of you to stand, like a spider, at the center of the web of your own life. So that you can observe everything that happens in that web of life.
If you observe everything, you can determine your next step in life based on complete information. You can then make an informed choice. This ensures that there are no more unexpected outcomes on your life path.

From that position you also have a view of the web of life of the people with whom your life is somehow connected. You can then connect with those people on a deep essential level instead of superficially. Because of this, your next step is also fully attuned to the lives of other people and is not a reaction to what they want you to see and believe.

You as a trinity

Your current body can embody three levels of consciousness. I call them: Human (belly), Soul (chest) and Higher Spirit (head). These three parts of your consciousness each have a different frequency, which makes them function in a certain area of ​​your life web. The Human Being in physical or tangible reality, the Soul in the reality of all possibilities to shape your life and your Higher Spirit in the area of all possibilities apart from time and space.
When the three levels of consciousness are integrated and embodied, then you as a human being function at a higher level of consciousness.

Your consciousness is therefore just as much a composite whole as your body. Just like your heart, your brain and your intestines, each level of your consciousness is an independently functioning whole with its own role and function, with the associated qualities, skills and life needs, within the body as a whole. Your composite body and your composite consciousness together also form a functioning whole, namely conscious life, or: you.
And you are also an independently functioning part within a larger composite whole, namely Earthly life and Unity Consciousness.


However, a lot has to happen before you get to the point where you have a complete overview of what is happening in your life web.
Over time, your web has become quite damaged and polluted by everything that has happened in the past and it therefore needs to be cleaned and repaired first.

You will also have to undergo a number of changes yourself. Just like a spider, you possess an exoskeleton, your body in which there is space for your consciousness. Your body determines the possibilities you have to become aware of yourself and your environment. In contrast to the spider, which has to shed its skin because it has outgrown its ‘jacket’, you will first receive a body with more possibilities than your current consciousness can apply. Then you will have to embody the greater consciousness so that you can develop your new possibilities.

Misunderstandings between your Human, Soul and Higher Spirit

During the development of your consciousness, misunderstandings may have arisen in the past between the separate parts of who you are. Between you and your Soul, a misunderstanding may have arisen that has to do with your life plan and what you are here to do on Earth. And between you and your Higher Mind, a problem may have arisen due to the difference in speed of perception, of thinking and therefore speed of reaction. Your higher mind can see everything in an instant, but the human mind is bound by the inertia of matter.
These misunderstandings must first be resolved before you can enter into a new collaboration.

A new collaboration, because it is not the first time that all three of these levels of who you are were present in your body. The experiences in a body that has to process so many impressions, that can feel emotions and pain, can be a great shock for your higher consciousness. Your Soul can become afraid of pain and leave your body if the pain or the threat becomes too much. However, your human spirit cannot leave your body and must therefore endure the difficult, painful situation alone. As a human being, you can then feel abandoned by your Soul. This can express itself through beliefs such as 'I have to do everything alone/myself' and 'I cannot trust anyone'. An extreme sense of justice or responsibility can also indicate a problem between your Human part and your Soul part.
For your Higher spirit, the inertia of matter can be unbearable and it will try in all kinds of ways to make developments proceed faster than is possible. This can manifest itself in manipulative behavior and a need for control or feeling rushed and having the idea that people are becoming impatient because you are too slow and do not seem to understand what is intended.

Support by this process

I offer an intensive 1-on-1 program in which we do everything together that is necessary to bring you to this higher level of existence. For more information, see intensive program ´living from a deep essential connection.

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Conscious Mutidimensional Living

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Company details:
Practice Cisca de Lint
Dolfijnpark 4
2983 AZ Ridderkerk

T: 06-29236792
E: info@praktijkciscadelint.nl

KvK: 24462049

Associated with:
Professional association CAT
Dispute body GAT